Thursday, 4 February 2016

Not “The Enemy within”, but the “Heart of the People”

TUC Gen Sec Frances O'Grady
TUC/Trades Councils “Heart Unions” week February 8th -14th 2016

Trades Unionists in Bridgwater and other Somerset towns will; be out on the streets in force next week, Thursday 11th February.They will be publicising all the good things that they do in workplaces every day of the week: improving wages, and health and safety, representing workers in difficulty, and where necessary providing support and advice to those being made redundant by George Osborne’s austerity programme.

None of these things are ever publicised or acknowledged by this anti-trade union government, whose Trade Union Act, never in the Conservative Election Maniifesto, seeks to wipe effective trades unionism from our country for ever. Strikes are at an all-time low in this country, and were and still are, always, only a last resort in the face of employers acting like dictators.

So if you are a local Trade Union Rep, have a problem at work, want to join a trade union, or have any other questions or comments, come along to the Bridgwater Trades Union Council stall at the Cornhill in Bridgwater Town Centre between 11am and 12.30pm, Thursday February 11th.

Dave Chapple, Secretary, Bridgwater Trades Union Council

TUC General Secretary Frances O'Grady also said: 

"This government is determined to shift the balance of power in the workplace in favour of employers, and get the Trade Union Bill through Parliament with as little scrutiny as possible. We must not let them get away with it. 

We need to keep the Bill-or the Act if it is finally passed- at the front of politicians and journalists’ minds and to remind people why unions are so important. Trades Unionists will continue to fight this Act when it does become law. 

From the 8th to 14th of February the TUC will run a special week of activities throughout England and Wales to showcase the amazing work unions do. This will provide a way to increase the involvement of you as union members in the campaign, build awareness of the Trade Union Bill and tell positive union stories to the wider public.

The Trade Union Bill has no place in a modern democracy. Only through coming together and showing our united strength will we be able defend our vital right to strike.

Click here to go to the Heart Unions web site.

Dave Chapple           07707 869 144   

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